Institutional Feasibility Analysis in the Development of Simarjarunjung Ecotourism

Jawanri Maurisco Saragih, Agus Purwoko, Zulkufli Lubis


The tourism industry sector is one sector that contributes to economic income that can provide welfare to the community. One of the sectors of the tourism industry is ecotourism; ecological principles and the theory of sustainable development will provide benefits by taking into account the factors that influence it; good management is needed to maintain, continue development, and develop sustainable tourism. This study analyses the development and institutional feasibility of managing the Simarjarunjung ecotourism area. This research is a qualitative descriptive analysis research, in which data interpretation and analysis are carried out by collecting data through documentation techniques, interviews, and observations and combining relevant information that can answer ecotourism problems and drawing conclusions as answers to the problems studied. The results of the feasibility assessment for the potential development of the Simarjarunjung Ecotourism Area show that the category is feasible for development and has a feasibility level with an index value of 75.74%. The community plays a direct role in ecotourism management for the sustainable and sustainable development of Simarjarunjung ecotourism. The institutional form of ecotourism management consists of the Association of Farmers Groups (GAPOKTAN) and the Tourism Awareness Group (POKDARWIS). The Simarjarunjung ecotourism management is managed privately, and the Setya Tani Forest Farmers Group manages the Pinus Hills Forest Nature Tourism. The strategies used in developing Simarjarunjung ecotourism are planning, implementation and utilization. The norms used are internal norms that prioritize local communities and minimize outside participation in the development of Simarjarunjung ecotourism.

Keywords: Tourism, Ecotourism, Feasibility, Institutional, Simarjarunjung


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