Jurnal Tunas Geografi is published as a forum for every academician, practitioner, and geographer to publish research results. The main focus of this journal is:
- Geography Learning
- Social and Human Geography
- Regional Development
- Geographic Information Systems
- Remote Sensing
- Disaster and Mitigation
- Geology and Geomorphology
- Oceanography and Coastal
This journal's target is teachers, lecturers, graduates, and practitioners in the field of geography. As a scientific communication medium, this magazine serves to provide a publication tool for the development of concepts and theoretical studies and actual issues relevant in the field of Geography. This journal is published twice a year in July and December and is circulated as a publication material for education in geography, geography or other relevant fields.
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Tunas Geografi Accredited SINTA 3 |
TUNAS GEOGRAFI has been accredited by Sinta (Science and Technology Index), the Ministry of Research and Technology / Research and Innovation Agency, with the title of S3. Based on the Decree of the Director-General of Research and Development Strengthening of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 152/E/KPT/2023, September 25, 2023.
Posted: 2024-03-10 | More... |
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Vol 13, No 1 (2024): JURNAL TUNAS GEOGRAFI
Table of Contents
Tendency of Internet Addiction in College Students (Case Study on Public Administration Students of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, HKBP Nommensen University)
DOI : 10.24114/tgeo.v13i1.56703
| Abstract views : 328 times
Laurencia Primawati Degodona, Jonson Rajagukguk, Jul Forman Zebua, Juli Tiarma Br Sihaloho, Risky Roi Putra Sihura
Analysis of E-Lkpd Needs Based On Geographical Inquiry To Stimulate Students’ Collaborative Abilities
DOI : 10.24114/tgeo.v13i1.56794
| Abstract views : 193 times
Wulan Safriani Purnamasari, I Komang Astina, Yusuf Suharto, Sumarmi Sumarmi, Hadi Soekamto, Iya' Setyasih
Analysis of Microfaces and Depositional Environment of Limestone in North Isimu Area, Gorontaolo Regency
DOI : 10.24114/tgeo.v13i1.41981
| Abstract views : 206 times
Ladya Cheryl Robot, Aang Panji Permana, Noviar Akase
Analysis of Potential Regional Economic Development in Bengkulu Province in 2022
DOI : 10.24114/tgeo.v13i1.50567
| Abstract views : 179 times
Redo Saputro, Martina Ayu Sejati
Identification of Marine Landforms as a Form of Coastal Area Management in Pangandaran District
DOI : 10.24114/tgeo.v13i1.51546
| Abstract views : 152 times
Erwin Hilman Hakim, Darsiharjo Darsiharjo, Ahmad Yani, Nandi Nandi
Analysis Of Mangrove Land Cover In The Sawo Marine Conservation Area, North Nias District
DOI : 10.24114/tgeo.v13i1.52747
| Abstract views : 194 times
Dayun Ifanda, Bejo Slamet, Yunasfi Yunasfi, Liana Dwi Sri Hastuti
Water Quality of Unconfined Aquifer in Universitas Negeri Malang Following the Drinking Water Quality Standard of Indonesian Ministry of Health
DOI : 10.24114/tgeo.v13i1.53219
| Abstract views : 135 times
Sugeng Utaya, Didik Taryana, Ferryati Mashitoh, Dicky Arinta, Ravinesh Rohit Prasad
Percentage of Live Coral Cover in The Regional Water Conservation Area of the Sawo – Lahewa Water Tourism Park, North Nias District
DOI : 10.24114/tgeo.v13i1.55178
| Abstract views : 143 times
Zufriwandi Siregar, Ternala Alexander Barus, T Alief Aththorick