Journal of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Journal title
Journal of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
: 2 issues per year (June and December)
: prefix on going by 
Print ISSN
: 2808-9545
Online ISSN
: 2808-9340
: Prof. Herbert Sipahutar
Universitas Negeri Medan

Journal of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is an international peer-review open-access journal devoted to the publication of original research, short communication, and review articles. Journal of Mathematics and Natural Sciences publishes one volume and two issues a year in June and December. All areas listed on the cover of this journal, such as biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and science education, are included within the scope of the Journal of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. This journal was published by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Medan. There are no publication charges for publication in the Journal of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (fully free of charge). The manuscript should be prepared in good English and has to be proofread by a native speaker or professional proofreader.

The authors are suggested to read and follow the Author Guidelines strictly, otherwise, the paper will be rejected without review. Paper submission should be performed through online submission. The registered author can be Login at, LOGIN, and the new author should register prior to submitting the paper at, REGISTER.

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Vol 4, No 1 (2024): Journal of Mathematics and Natural Science

Table of Contents


Dwi Syafitri
Nurul Huda Panggabean
Rio Irawansyah