Menjelang akhir tahun 2020, Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Ristek RI menegaskan bahwa cita-cita pembelajaran di Indonesia ialah menciptakan pembelajaran yang berpihak kepada siswa, pembelajaran yang memerdekakan pemikiran, dan potensi siswa. Salah satu strategi yang mampu menciptakan proses pembelajaran tersebut adalah diferensiasi. Melalui artikel ini, penulis mencoba menuangkan gagasan pemikiran terkait rancangan implementasi strategi diferensiasi dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia dengan muatan kemampuan berpikir aras tinggi. Strategi pembelajaran diferensiasi bermuatan critical thinking skill bertujuan untuk memciptakan peseta didik agar memiliki pola belajar dan pola berpikir serta mengembangkan inovasi kreatif dan inovatif. Strategi pembelajaran diferensiasi dapat dilakukan dalam 3 bentuk, yaitu: (1) diferensiasi konten, (2) proses dan (3) produk. Diferensiasi konten dilakukan melalui kesiapan, minat, dan profil belajar siswa. Diferensiasi proses dilakukan melalui penggunaan kegiatan berjenjang, mengembangkan kegiatan bervariasi dan menggunakan mengelompokkan siswa sesuai dengan kesiapan, kemampuan dan minat. Diferensiasi produk dapat dilakukan melalui pemberian pilihan bagaimana siswa mengekspresikan pembelajaran yang diinginkan. Adapun rancangan strategi pembelajaran diferensiasi bermuatan critical thinking skill dapat dilakukan melalui tahapan yang dimulai dari: literasi, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, dan creativity.
Kata kunci: Diferesiasi, critical thinking skill, Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia
Towards the end of 2020, the Minister of Education and Culture of Research and Technology RI emphasized that the ideals of learning in Indonesia are to create learning that favors students, learning that liberates thinking, and students' potential. One strategy that is able to create the learning process is differentiation. Through this article, the author tries to express ideas related to the design of implementing differentiation strategies in Indonesian language learning with high-level thinking skills. Learning strategies that are charged with critical thinking skills aim to create students to have learning patterns and thinking patterns as well as to develop creative and innovative innovations. Differentiation learning strategies can be carried out in 3 forms, namely: (1) content differentiation, (2) process and (3) product. Content differentiation is carried out through students' readiness, interests, and learning profiles. The differentiation process is carried out through the use of tiered activities, developing varied activities and using grouping of students according to readiness, abilities and interests. Product differentiation can be done through giving the choice of how students express the desired learning. The design of learning strategies that are charged with critical thinking skills can be carried out through stages starting from: literacy, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity.
Keyword: Differentiation, critical thinking skills, Learning Indonesian
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