The Flouting of Grice’s Conversational Maxims in the Classroom Interactions of Tenth-Grade Students at SMA Swasta HKBP Sidorame

Elisabeth Hutabarat, Isli Iriani Indah Pane


People need to interact with one another in order to build strong connections. Communication allows people or groups to express information, thoughts, ideas, and emotions. In the classroom as well as outside the classroom, effective communication is important for a successful learning process. To achieve this effective communication, Grice created a rule called the Cooperation Principle which is then categorized into 4 maxims, namely: Maxim of Quantity, Maxim of Quality, Maxim of Relation, and Maxim of Manner. But a speaker in a talk exchange may fail to fulfill a maxim variously and this situation is called flouting maxim which is also categorized into 4 namely: Flouting Maxim of Quantity, Flouting Maxim of Quality, Flouting Maxim of Relation, and Flouting Maxim of Manner. This study aims to find out; (1) the types of conversational maxims are flouted by the teachers and the students during classroom interaction, (2) the reasons teachers and students flouted the maxims. The descriptive qualitative research design with research instruments in the form of observation, note-taking, video-recording transcription, and interview was employed in this research. The result of this study found that the flouting of conversational maxim did occur in the classroom interaction between the teachers and the students of the tenth-grade at SMA Swasta HKBP Sidorame. There are 36 utterances in total that were flouted by the teacher and the students during the learning process. The maxim that flouted the most is the maxim of relation (66,66%), followed by the maxim of quality (16,66%), followed by the maxim of quantity (13,88%), and the maxim of manner the least flouted (2,80% ). There are 7 reasons for teachers and students flouted the maxims.


Communication; Cooperative Principle; Maxims; Flouting Maxims

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