Designing an English Speaking Module for 10th Grade on Descriptive Texts with a Project-Based Learning Framework at SMAS Cerdas Bangsa
This study aimed to develop a project-based learning module for speaking descriptive text at SMAS Cerdas Bangsa using the Research and Development (R&D) Method. The R&D process included six stages: information gathering, data analysis, module design, expert validation, revision, and final product development. Data were collected through interviews with an English teacher and student questionnaires to identify needs, wants, deficiencies, and current teaching methods. The module was designed based on these insights and validated by two experts, leading to revisions. The final English speaking module was created and concluded to be effective for teaching descriptive text. Validation scores averaged 93.75% across content (93%), presentation (94%), language (93%), and layout (95%), classifying the module as very good. It is recommended for use in Senior High School English classes, particularly for teaching descriptive text.
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