The Readability Level of Reading Texts in "Bahasa Inggris Work in Progress" English Textbook on Grade 10 at SMAN 1 MEDAN

Sindhyka Niio Pratenta Banurea


This study aimed to determine the readability level of reading texts in the "Bahasa Inggris" textbook, published by the Ministry of Education and Culture for the tenth grade of Senior High School, 2020 first edition. It was categorized as descriptive qualitative research. Data were collected using document analysis, with the Flesch Reading Ease formula and Flesch Reading Ease Score employed as instruments to measure the readability level of the texts. The Flesch Reading Ease formula results indicated that one text was at the Very Easy level, one at the Easy level, one at the Fairly Easy level, three at the Standard level, three at the Fairly Difficult level, and six at the Difficult level. This study found that out of fifteen reading texts in the "Bahasa Inggris: Work In Progress" textbook, only three texts were readable for tenth-grade students, falling into the Fairly Difficult level with scores ranging from fifty-one to sixty.



Reading Text, Readability, Textbook, Flesch Reading Ease

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