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Ade Febri Yulfita, Ferry Herdianto


This research is motivated by a marimba instrument soloist in performing his repertoire must be able to become a reliable music player and make a positive contribution to music lovers. This study aims to describe the solo playing technique by interpreting the Concerto in G Major RV 310 repertoire through the two mallet technique with string quartet accompaniment and realizing the solo play by interpreting the A Whole New World repertoire through the four mallet technique with the Marimba Instrument according to the needs of today's performances. The repertoire presented is the repertoire of Concerto in G Major Rv 310 and A Whole New World. This repertoire has been considered to be played according to the great or achievement of the percussion instrument. The research approach used in this study is a qualitative approach that is useful for analyzing phenomena and for interpreting data. Based on the repertoire analysis of Concerto in G Major Rv 310, several obstacles were found in playing it, namely there was a double stroke technique played in an allegro tempo. The repertoire of the Concerto in G Major Rv 310 baroque era, there is a lot of ornamentation on the melody, and the phrases of songs that have a clear theme. While the repertoire of A Whole New World is classified as modern music (popular) which is a simple choral composition that is logical and easy to digest.

Keywords: description, interpretation, instrument, marimba.



Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh seorang solis instrumen marimba dalam mempertunjukkan repertoarnya harus mampu  menjadi pemain musik yang handal dan memberikan konstribusi positif kepada penikmat musik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan teknik permainan solis dengan cara menginterpretasikan repertoar Concerto in G Major RV 310 melalui teknik dua mallet dengan iringan kwartet string dan mewujudkan permainan solis dengan cara menginterpretasikan repertoar A Whole New World melalui teknik empat mallet dengan instrumen marimba sesuai dengan kebutuhan pertunjukan saat ini. Repertoar yang disajikan yaitu repertoar Concerto in G Major Rv 310 dan A Whole New World. Repertoar ini telah dipertimbangkan untuk dimainkan sesuai dengan great atau capaian instrument perkusi. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif yang berguna untuk menganalisis fenomena dan untuk menginterpretasikan data. Berdasarkan analisis repertoar Concerto in G Major Rv 310, ditemukan beberapa kendala dalam memainkannya, yaitu terdapat teknik double stroke yang dimainkan dalam tempo allegro. Repertoar Concerto in G Major Rv 310 zaman barok, banyak terdapat ornamentasi pada melodi, dan frase lagu-lagu yang memiliki tema yang jelas. Sedangkan repertoar A Whole New World tergolong musik modern (popular) yang mudah dipahami.

Kata Kunci: deskripsi, interpretasi, instrumen, marimba.



Ade Febri Yulfita : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Ferry Herdianto : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang



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