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Dinan Difitrian, Sukmawati Saleh


This research aims to analyze the symbolism of Kaonashi's character in the animated film "Spirited Away" by Hayao Miyazaki using a semiotic approach from Charles Sander Peirce's theory. This approach was chosen to reveal the deep meanings contained in Kaonashi's character through signs, objects, and interpretants contained in the movie. Semiotic analysis will show how these characters reflect internal and social conflicts, as well as how interactions with the environment affect character development. This research enriches the understanding of character design in animated films and its contribution to deeper and more meaningful narratives. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by analyzing data obtained from films, art books, behind-the-scenes videos, and various additional sources. The results show that Kaonashi's character undergoes three main stages of transformation that reflect changes in his identity and the meaning he carries. In the first stage, Kaonashi is depicted as a lonely and ignored figure, who simply stays on the bridge of the spirit world. In the second stage, Kaonashi becomes greedy and loses control while in the spirit bath, showing the negative impact of greed and the need for recognition. In the third stage, Kaonashi finds peace and acceptance at Zeniba's house, showing the transformation to a calmer and more accepted identity. The conclusion of this study is that Kaonashi represents emptiness, loneliness, and confusion of direction as interactions with the environment affect character development, as in the lives of people around the world.


semiotics, character transformation, spirited away


Dinan Difitrian

Sukmawati Saleh


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semiotics; character transformation; spirited away

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