Tina Fitri Siregar and Zainuddin


This study deals with the verb formation in Angkol language. This study aims to
find out the kind of affix that formed a verb in Angkola, to describethe pattern of
verb formation in Angkola language and also to find out the grammatical
meanings occurred through the verb formation in Angkola language. This study
was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method by Moleong (1975:5).In
this research, the descriptive qualitative method was used to find out the types of
affixes that formed a verb in Angkola language and to describe the pattern of verb
formation in Angkola language. The data of this research were taken from the
script of Parhuta-huta part I movie, and 8 song lyrics of Top SimamoraftDeliana.
The technique of data analysis applied was generative morphology proposed by
Halle (1973). After analyzing the data it was found that were three kinds of affixes
found in verb-formation of Angkola language, namely: 1). Prefix, such as [di-],
[ma-], [mar-], [tar], [pa], [maN-]. 2). Suffix, such as: [-kon], [-i], [-hon]. 3).
Confix, such as: [maN-i], [maN-kon] and [mar-an], and morphophonemic change
also occurred through the verb formation of Angkola language, namely: 1).
Phonological alteration (assimilation) and 2). Phonological Deletion (Omission).
And also found four kinds of grammatical meaning occurred through the verb
formation of Angkola language namely: 1. activity, 2. Process, 3. Command, 4.
Condition. Therefore the dominant types of affixes occurred in verb formation of
Angkola language is prefix with 6 kinds of prefixes. The findings of this research
showed that verbs can be formed through a process of affixation whether it comes
from the verb, noun, adjective, adverbial,

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