Ichwan Choise Pandapotan Sirait and Amrin Saragih


This study deals with the types of deixis in x (2014) album of Ed Sheeran’s song.
The objectives of the study were to describe the kinds of deixis in x (2014) album
of Ed Sheeran’s song which were used in song lyrics, finding out the most
dominant kind and why it is dominantly used. This research applied descriptive
qualitative research. Descriptive qualitative research is a method which has
purpose to make a description of situation, condition, phenomenon, and intend to
accumulative data (Cresswell : 2001), this research uses descriptive qualitative
research to describe deixis in X (2014) album of Ed Sheeran’s Songs. The source
of data was song lyrics by Ed Sheeran. Searching the song lyrics as the instrument
to collect the data and there were twelve song. Based on the analysis, there were
five kinds of deixis were found in that album, they are person, spatial, temporal,
discourse and social deixis. It consists of 746 person deixis (62.1%), 111 spatial
deixis (9.2%), 157 temporal deixis (13.1%), 108 discourse deixis (9%) and 80
social deixis (6.6%).The most dominat kind of deixis which is used in the album
is person deixis with total 746 or 62.1%. the deictic word “I” is the most dominant
word of person deixis in the album. Person deixis is dominantly used because he
mostly wrote his own experiences into the song lyrics.

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Linguistica: Journal of Linguistics of FBS UNIMED is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.