Preparationof Fe-Chitosan Schiff Base Complex

Boy Chandra Sitanggang, Basuki Wirjosentono, Mimpin Ginting


Abstract.Chitosan Schiff base (BS) was synthesized through reaction of chitosan with salycilaldehyde, next, chitosan Schiff base (BS) reacted with Fe to form Fe-chitosan Schiff base complex (BSF). The presence of Schiff base confirmed by FT-IR at 1604,77 cm-1 for imine group. Chitosan soluble in acidic solution while chitosan Schiff base partially dissolve. Subsequently, absorption of Fe was determine with ICP-MS at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 hours (BSF 1, BSF2, BSF 3, BSF 4, BSF 5) resulting 269,98, 289, 311,8, 361,06, 492,51 ppm.

Keywords: chitosan, chitosan Schiff base, Fe complex

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Copyright (c) 1970 Boy Chandra Sitanggang, Basuki Wirjosentono, Mimpin Ginting

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Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia
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