Portal ISSN : ISSN 2085-3653 (Print) | ISSN 2549-3116 (Online)
BRIN ISSN: ISSN 2085-3653 (Print) | ISSN 2549-3116 (Online)
Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia contains research publications in the field of Chemistry Education and Chemistry. Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia is published by Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan since 2009. Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia is regularly published three in a year in April, August and December.
Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia has become a CrossRef Member since year 2016 with prefix 10.24114. Therefore, all articles published by Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia will have unique DOI number since Vol. 8, No. 3, December 2016. Since Vol. 12, No. 3, December 2020 Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia uses Anti-Plagiarism Software "Turnitin" to check the authenticity article.
Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia has been accredited for five years as scientific journal based on Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia SK No 204/E/KPT/2022 dated 3rd October 2022 (Vol. 14 No. 1 April 2022 until Vol. 18 No. 2 August 2026, see Certificate) and indexed in SINTA 2.
See Google Scholar Profile for Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia (JPKim) by clicking here.
Reaccreditation of the Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia |
Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia has been reaccredited by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia with 2nd grade since Vol. 14, No. 1, 2022 until Vol. 18, No. 2, 2026 according to the decree No. 204/E/KPT/2022 | |
Posted: 2023-12-19 | |
Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia Accreditation |
Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia has been accredited by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia with 4nd grade since Vol. 10, No. 3, 2018 until Vol. 14, No. 1, 2023 according to the decree No. 14/E/KPT/2019 |
Posted: 2020-05-19 | More... |
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Vol 16, No 2 (2024): August
Table of Contents
Molecular docking of sterol derivatives in Tagetes erecta Linn. as an antiatherosclerotic agents through activation of PPARγ and LXRα receptors
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.57455
| Abstract views : 248 times
I Wayan Surya Rahadi, Ni Kadek Ayu Mas Ratnadewi, Ketut Agus Adrianta
84 - 91
The effect of comonomer styrene on the grafting of maleic anhydride onto cyclized natural rubber
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.56906
| Abstract views : 138 times
Muhammad Said Siregar, Desi Ardilla, Eddiyanto Eddiyanto, Asmarasari Nasution
92 - 97
The quality of indonesian brands of consumable cooking oils is reviewed by peroxide numbers and free fatty acid value
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.59012
| Abstract views : 120 times
Mirwa Adiprahara Anggarani, Prima Retno Wikandari, Rudiana Agustini, Rusyariyanto Waskito, Yuni Fransiska
98 - 102
Detecting the interest of undergraduate students : A new way of chemistry education as a basis for instructional development
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.61402
| Abstract views : 159 times
Parham Saadi, Almubarak Almubarak, Restu Prayogi, Fadhlan Muchlas Abrori
103 - 110
Enhancing creativity skills and student learning outcomes through the implementation of creative problem solving model with mind mapping on salt hydrolysis topic
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.58765
| Abstract views : 131 times
Bella Windira Sari, Sri Retno Dwi Ariani, Ari Syahidul Shidiq, Bakti Mulyani, Sri Yamtinah, Mohammad Masykuri, Maria Ulfa, Agung Nugroho Catur Saputro
111 - 118
Development of e-module based on Premna serratifolia research to identify functional group of secondary metabolites
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.59061
| Abstract views : 203 times
Arni Arni, Dini Hadiarti, Tuti Kurniati
119 - 126
Development of chemino card learning media (chemical domino cards) on elemental stability material
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.56574
| Abstract views : 141 times
Suhardi Suhardi, Sumiati Side, Eda Lolo Allo
127 - 135
The effect of pH and type of silicone on cotton and polyester finished fabrics
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.57150
| Abstract views : 76 times
Wulan Safrihatini Atikah, Witri Aini Salis, Lingga Permana, Brilyan Muhammad Redya
136 - 144
Development of an augmented reality-based chemical bonding module assisted by the assemblr EDU
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.57375
| Abstract views : 127 times
Fransisca Ditawati Nur Pamenang, Agnesia Nina Utami
145 - 151
Improving students' scientific literacy : Development of guided inquiry-based student worksheets on buffer solution material
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.56718
| Abstract views : 120 times
Arif Sholahuddin, Normina Normina, Rilia Iriani
152 - 158
Bibliometric analysis : Green chemistry trends and issues in chemistry education from 2019 to 2024
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.58875
| Abstract views : 123 times
Wanda Setya Hanifa, Sri Handayani, Suyanta Suyanta
159 - 167
Measuring meaningful learning through the experience of chemistry education students' in the basics of analytical chemistry practicum
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.57849
| Abstract views : 174 times
Melur Regista Cahyani, Erlina Erlina, Ira Lestari, Masriani Masriani, Maria Ulfah
168 - 175
Synthesis and characteristics rubber seed oil bioadditive from Sumatera Utara as low pour point of CPO biodiesel
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.62374
| Abstract views : 126 times
Misdawati Misdawati, Siswadi Siswadi, Muhammad Said Siregar
176 -184
Mechanical properties of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and sansevieria (Sansevieria trifasciata) fiber reinforced composite with polyester matric
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.56532
| Abstract views : 85 times
Nurfajriani Nurfajriani, Ahmad Nasir Pulungan, Ajat Sudrajat, MS Manurung, Rahayu Rahayu
185 - 190
Developing a weblog-based additive and addictive substance teaching module to improve critical thinking skills
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.58490
| Abstract views : 98 times
Ade Nur Anugrah, Muzzazinah Muzzazinah, Mohammad Masykuri
191 - 199