Primanita Sholihah Rosmana, Sofyan iskandar, Widya Ningrum Fitriani, Elisa Nur Azizah, Riska Trisnawati


Abstract: The curriculum as a learning program has an important place in the learning activities. Given the importance of the curriculum in education and the development of the age, then the drafting of the curriculum must be done on a solid foundation. As has been the case, the covid-19 pandemic became a national emergency that had a major impact on education. This case study will discuss the use of emergency curricula during the covid-19 pandemic from society's perspective. Various information is gathered in the spread of angkettes, journals, and other Internet media with quantitative research. Research has provided data that the use of emergency curriculum was effective during the covid-19 pandemic, but most communities are under the weight of the emergency curriculum even though it has been simplified.

Keywords: Curriculum, Covid-19, Community Perspective

ABSTRAK : Kurikulum sebagai program pembelajaran mempunyai kedudukan penting dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Mengingat pentingnya kurikulum dalam pendidikan dan perkembangan zaman, maka penyusunan kurikulum harus dilakukan  dengan landasan yang kokoh. Seperti yang sedang terjadi, pandemi Covid-19 menjadi darurat ketatanegaraan yang memberikan dampak besar dalam pendidikan. Studi kasus ini akan membahas penggunaan kurikulum darurat di masa pandemi Covid-19 dalam perspektif masyarakat. Berbagai informasi dikumpulkan baik berupa penyebaran angket, jurnal, maupun media internet lainnya dengan jenis penelitian kuantitatif. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh data bahwa penggunaan kurikulum darurat efektif digunakan di masa pandemi Covid-19, namun sebagian masyarakat terbebani akan kurikulum darurat walaupun kurikulum tersebut telah disederhanakan.

Kata Kunci : Kurikulum, Covid-19, Perspektif Masyarakat

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Copyright (c) 2022 Primanita Sholihah Rosmana, Sofyan iskandar, Widya Ningrum Fitriani, Elisa Nur Azizah, Riska Trisnawati

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