Puthut Megantoro, Sukarmin .


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan guna mengetahui kelayakan multimedia interaktif RMR yang dikembangkan sebagai media pendeteksi dan pereduksi miskonsepsi materi redoks menggunakan strategi Conceptual change text (CCT). Kelayakan media dinilai dari tiga aspek yaitu : 1) Aspek validitas media yang meliputi validitas isi dan konstruk, 2) Aspek kepraktisan media yang dinilai dari angket respon siswa dan observasi aktivitas siswa, 3) Aspek keefektifan media yang diketahui dari nilai pergeseran konsep siswa dari miskonsepsi menjadi tahu konsep. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D). Subjek penelitiannya adalah 16 siswa kelas XII IPA SMAN 1 Papar Kediri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa multimedia interaktif RMR layak digunakan untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi siswa pada materi redoks. Kelayakan dibuktikan dengan hasil penilaian dari tiga aspek kelayakan sebagai berikut : 1) Rata-rata persentase validitas isi adalah 94,72% dan rata-rata persentase validitas konstruk adalah 92,78% kedua validitas dikategorikan sangat valid 2) Rata-rata persentase kepraktisan dari angket respon siswa adalah 98,44% dan dari observasi aktivitas siswa adalah 88,89% keduanya dikategorikan sangat praktis, 3) Keefektifan media berdasarkan hasil pergeseran konsep siswa mendapatkan persentase pergeseran konsep siswa sebesar 86,29% dan dikategorikan sangat efektif.


Kata kunci : Multimedia Interaktif RMR, Miskonsepsi, Redoks, Conceptual change text.


Abstract: This study aims to determine the feasibility of RMR interactive multimedia developed to detect and reduce misconceptions in redox material using Conceptual Change Text (CCT) strategy. Media feasibility is reviewed from three aspects, namely : 1) Media validity that includes content and constructs validity, 2) Practicality of the media, which is assessed from the questionnaire of student response and observation of student activities, and 3) The effectiveness of the media, which is known from the shifting concept of students from misconception into knowing the concept. This study used the Research and Development (R&D) method with the research subjects were 16 students of 12th grade at Senior High School 1 Papar Kediri. This study showed that RMR multimedia interactive is feasible to reduce students' misconceptions in redox material. The feasibility is proven by the assessment results of the three aspects of feasibility as follows: 1) The average percentage of content validity is 94.72%, and the average percentage of construct validity is 92.78% both of validity are categorized as very valid, 2) The practicality of the media reviewed from the student response questionnaire gets a percentage score of 98.44%, and observation of student activities with a percentage of 88.89% both are categorized as very practical, 3) The effectiveness of media reviewed from the results of shifting student concepts gets a percentage of 86.29% with a very effective category.


Keywords : RMR Interactive Multimedia, Misconception, Redox, Conceptual Change Text.


Multimedia Interaktif RMR, Miskonsepsi, Redoks, Conceptual change text.

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