Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh model flipped learning berbasis case study terhadap variabel kreatifitas berpikir dan hasil belajar mahasiswa pada pendidikan tingkat tinggi mata kuliah wawasan keilmuan, teknologi dan lingkungan di Universitas Sulawesi Barat. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah quasi ekperiment (ekperimen semu) dengan desain menggunakan pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa pendidikan fisika angkatan 2022 yang terdiri dari 2 kelas berjumlah masing-masing 15 orang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara sampling jenuh. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri dari tes hasil belajar dan lembar observasi kreatifitas berpikir mahasiswa. Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistika deskriptif dan statistika inferensial. Statistika inferensial menggunakan analisis MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan hasil belajar mahasiswa yang diterapkan model pembelajaran flipped learning berbasis case study dibandingkan mahasiswa yang belajar menggunakan model direct flipped learning. Rata-rata hasil belajar dengan model flipped learning berbasis case study sebesar 80,20 lebih tinggi disbanding hasil belajar dengan model sebesar 78,40 dan kreatifitas berpikir dengan model flipped learning berbasis case study sebesar 77,13 secara signifikan lebih unggul dibandingkan kreatifitas berpikir dengan model direct flipped learning sebesar 72,13. Pembelajaran wawasan keilmuan, teknologi dan lingkungan dengan menerapkan model flipped learning berbasis case study lebih unggul dibandingkan model direct flipped learning terhadap hasil belajar dan kreatifitas berpikir mahasiswa.
Kata Kunci : Flipped Learning, Case Study, Kreatifitas berpikir, Hasil belajar
Abstract : This study aims to describe the effect of case study-based flipped learning models on creative thinking variables and student learning outcomes in higher education courses in scientific, technological and environmental insights at the University Sulawesi Barat. The design of this study was a quasi-experimental design using a pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. The population in this study were all physics education students class of 2022 consisting of 2 classes with 15 students each. Sampling was done by means of saturated sampling. The instruments used consisted of a learning achievement test and observation sheets of student thinking creativity. The data in this study were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Inferential statistics uses MANOVA analysis (multivariate analysis of variance). The results showed that there was a difference between the ability to think creatively and the learning outcomes of students who applied the case study-based flipped learning model compared to students who studied using the direct flipped learning model. The average learning outcomes with the case study-based flipped learning model is 80.20 higher than the learning outcomes with a case study-based model of 78.40 and creative thinking with a case study-based flipped learning model is 77,13 significantly superior to creative thinking models Direct flipped learning is as big as 72,13 Learning scientific, technological and environmental insights by applying a case study-based flipped learning model is superior to the direct flipped learning model for student learning outcomes and creative thinking.
Keyword: Flipped learning, Case study, Creative thinking, learning outcome
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24114/jtp.v16i2.49709
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