R Mursid


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) meningkatkan hasil belajar menggambar teknik mahasiswa melalui pemahaman kosep gambar proyeksi, (2) meningkatkan hasil belajar menggambar teknik mahasiswa melalui aplikasi gambar proyeksi, (3) menerapkan strategi direct instructional . Strategi pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam penelitian action research. Hasil penelitian diperoleh: (1) pemahaman dan konsep dalam gambar teknik mahasiswa adalah cukup kompeten dan bila diaplikasikan dalam bentuk gambar teknik masih cukup kompeten; (2) aktivitas mahasiswa selama proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan strategi direct instructional  menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan adalah sangat baik; (3) aktivitas dosen dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar selama menggunakan strategi direct instructional  cukup aprisiatif dan interaktif terhadap proses pembelajaran; (4) aktivitasnya selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung diberikan dalam bentuk penilaian keaktifan dosen.


Kata Kunci: gambar proyeksi, strategi direct instructional



Abstract: This research was aimed to: (1) improve learning outcomes of students drawing techniques through an understanding of the concept of projection images, (2) improving student learning outcomes through the application of engineering drawing projection image, (3) implement learning strategies directly. The method used in the action research study. Results were obtained: (1) understanding the engineering drawings and concepts students are competent enough and when applied in the form of technical drawing is still quite competent, (2) student activity during the learning process by using a learning strategy implies that overall is very good; (3) activities of faculty in teaching and learning activities to use learning strategies for direct and interactive aprisiatif enough to the learning process, (4) activity during the learning process takes place is given in the form of activity assessment lecturers.



Keywords:, drawing of projectio, direct learning strategies

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24114/jtp.v6i2.4993

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