Development of Geogebra Assisted Learning Modules to Improve Mathematical Representation Abilities of Senior High School

Fitria Mayasari, E. Elvis Napitupulu, Bornok Sinaga


This investigation's purpose is to evaluate the following: 1) The efficacy of the developed geogebra-assisted learning module; 2) The feasibility of the currently-under-development geogebra-assisted learning module; 3) The validity of the developed geogebra-assisted learning module; and 4) The improvement of mathematical representation skills through the use of the developed geogebra-assisted learning module. The ADDIE development paradigm was employed to conduct this development research. This development paradigm is divided into five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and assessment. The following are the results of experiments I and II: 1. The built geogebra-assisted learning module fulfills the following requirements: The designed geogebra-assisted learning module is valid, practical, effective, and has enhanced mathematical representation ability, as demonstrated by an N-gain value of 0.45, placing it in the "medium" category.

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