Twitter Sentiment Analysis Using the Naive Bayes Algorithm in the Case of the Indosurya Savings and Loans Cooperative

Elma Rulfin Tiara Kiu, Ornensya Br Sembiring, Khairun Nisa Meiah Ngafidin


Kasus KSP Indosurya kembali mencuri perhatian saat ini karena terduga pelaku selaku pendiri KSP Indosurya divonis bebas oleh Hakim Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Barat atas segala dakwaan pada dengan peryataan bahwa terdakwa terbukti melakukan perbuatan yang didakwakan tetapi bukan merupakan tindak pidana, melakukan perkara perdata yang kemudian menyita perhatian publik serta mengundang reaksi masyarakat diberbagai media sosial bahkan sempat menjadi tranding topik dimedia sosial twitter Indonesia. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian ini guna mengetahui dan mengklasifikasikan sentimen masyarakat pada kasua KSP Indosurya menggunakan metode Naïve bayes. Dimana hasil tertinggi didapatkan oleh sentimen negative, sehingga didapatkan kesimpulan sentimen publik terhadap topik kasus KSP Indosurya di twitter Indonesia adalah negative dengan jumlah parameter 1200 berdasarkan analisis menggunakan metode Naïve bayes.

The KSP Indosurya case has again stolen attention at this time because the alleged perpetrator Henry Surya as the founder of KSP Indosurya was acquitted by the Chief Judge of the West Jakarta District Court Syafrudin Ainor for all charges on Tuesday (24/1/2023) with a statement that the defendant Henry Surya was proven to have committed an act who was charged but did not constitute a crime, carried out a civil case which then seized the public's attention and invited public reaction on various social media and even became a trending topic on Indonesian Twitter social media Therefore, this research was carried out to find out and classify public sentiment in the KSP Indosurya case using the Naïve Bayes method. Where the highest results were obtained by negative sentiment, so it was concluded that public sentiment on the topic of the KSP Indosurya case on Twitter Indonesia was negative with a total of 1200 parameters based on analysis using the Naïve Bayes method.


Sentiment analysis; KSP Indosurya; Naïve bayes; R Studio; Twitter.

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