Acquisition of Kosa Kata Bahasa Karo of a Four Year Karonese Child
Acquisition of Kosa Kata Bahasa Karo of a Four Year Karonese Child
Endamya Bevi Nesra Barus, Elia Masa Gintings
Universitas Negeri Medan
This study analyzed the acquisition of kosa kata Bahasa Karo of a four
year old Karonese Child. The instrument of collecting data is by voice recording
of child in his daily activity. Particular attention is seeing aspects that affect
child’s acquisition as defined by using theory of Skinner, Behaviorist Theory. The
result show that the child acquired 5 words of noun, 3 words of verb, 5 words of
adjective, 2 words of adverb, 2 words of pronoun, 1 word of preposition, 1 word
of conjunction, and 6 words of interjection. There are 2 aspects that affect child’s
acquisition namely social interaction with his environment and imitation from
people around him.
Keywords: Child’s Acquisition Word, Skinner Theory, Karonese Child.
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