Developing Online Reading Material on Liveworksheet for Teaching Narrative Text at SMP Swasta Bina Bersaudara
This study about developing an appropriate reading material of narrative text in folklore. The data of this study was carried out at SMP Swasta Bina Bersaudara. This research was conducted by using Research and Development (R&D) Method which contained six stages; collecting information and data, analyzing data, designing material, validating form experts, revising the material, and finally making the final product. The data were collected through distributing the questionnaires to students and interviewing the english teacher in order to get students’ neccesities. The conclusion is resulted in the development of online reading material on liveworksheet for teaching reading skill about narrative text especially folklore entitled the legend of Toba lake that contains text and worksheet for reading comprehension. In percentage terms, the product has been validated by two experts. The average expert validation score was 94% for the content aspect, 91.6% for the presentation aspect, 94% for the language aspect, and 93.3% for the layout. The average score from the experts was 93.2% and categorized as Very Good it means that the product was valid and appropirate to be used as teaching media for teaching reading skill in grade nine of junior high school.
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