Developing Students’ Worksheet for Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Text Using Liveworksheet for the Tenth Grade Students
The objective of this study was to develop students’ worksheet for reading comprehension for the tenth grade students at SMA Swasta Al-Hikmah Medan. The participants of this study were the tenth grade English teacher and one class of the tenth grade students in SMA Swasta Al-Hikmah Medan. This study was conducted by using educational Research and Development (R&D) method. The data were collected through interview and questionnaire. The result of the study was a worksheet with two different texts by using Liveworksheet for reading comprehension of descriptive text. The score of the validation from the validators toward the content aspect was 4.1 and it was categorized as “Good” as its position in the interval 3.40 ≤ x ≤ 4.19. Meanwhile, the language aspect was 4.3 and it was categorized as “Very Good” as its position in the interval 4.20 ≤ x ≤ 5. The design aspect was 4.7 and it was categorized as “Very Good” as its position in the interval 4.20 ≤ x ≤ 5. It means the developing worksheet for reading comprehension by using Liveworksheet was valid and appropriate for the tenth grade students of SMA Swasta Al-Hikmah Medan.
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