Developing ESP Teaching Material of Procedure Text for Desain Pemodelan Dan Informasi Bangunan Department
This study focuses on how procedural text are developed for vocational school. The concern of this study was developing English teaching material for 10th-grade students of Desain Pemodelan dan Informasi Bangunan department in SMK Negeri 5 Medan. This research and development applied the Borg and Gall model to develop teaching materials through six stages, to shorten time and costs. Through the observations that have been made, it was found that students used textbooks that were not suitable for their majors. Questionnaires and interviews became the instruments of this research, as many as 22 students responded to the questionnaire for the analysis of their learning needs, interview was also conducted with English teacher to produce information needed by researchers in developing teaching materials that are relevant to the Desain Pemodelan dan Informasi Bangunan department. This teaching material was validated by a lecturer of English education department and an English teacher from a vocational school, the assessment results from the lecturer were 2.90 in the category "Good" and the evaluation from the teacher was 3.54 in the category "Very Good". The total score from both experts was 3.22 which is included in the category "Good", the teaching material developed is feasible and appropriate for 10th-grade students of Desain Pemodelan dan Informasi Bangunan department.
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