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Zafirah Afaf, Weni Nelmira


This study is based on the background of the many found embroideries that are less balanced between the lifeboat thread and the material so that the embroidery results look stiff on the material that is loose or vice versa. The purpose of this study is to obtain an explanation of the description of the results of manual machine embroidery of designs on duchess  fabric using lifeboat threads such as embroidery thread, sewing thread, and obras thread and to obtain an explanation of the effect of different lifeboat threads on the finished results of manual machine embroidery on duchess  fabric. This research uses an experimental system. The object studied was the result of manual machine embroidery on duchess  fabric using lifeboat thread in the form of sewing thread, obras thread, and embroidery thread. The assessors in the study were 5 validators. The instrument in this research is through a questionnaire. The results of manual machine embroidery (sassy) using lifeboat thread in the form of sewing thread are "very neat, very stable, and soft". Then, the finished result of manual machine embroidery (sassy) using lifeboat thread in the form of obras thread is "neat, stable, and soft". Furthermore, the results of manual machine embroidery (sassy) using lifeboat thread in the form of embroidery thread are "very neat, very stable, and very soft". The results of embroidery on duchess  fabric are influenced by the use of different lifeboat threads. Also, if you want to produce embroidery whose results are very soft, very neat, and very stable on bridal materials, it is recommended to use lifeboat threads in the form of embroidery threads.

Keywords: thread, sassy embroidery, duchess , lifeboat.



Riset ini berlatar belakang dari banyaknya ditemukan bordiran yang kurang seimbang antara benang sekoci dengan bahan sehingga hasil bordirannya terlihat kaku pada bahan yang melangsai atau sebaliknya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk memperoleh penjelasan tentang uraian hasil bordir kerancang mesin manual di kain duchess dengan memakai benang sekoci seperti benang bordir, jahit, dan benang obras serta untuk mendapatkan penjelasan tentang pengaruh benang sekoci yang berbeda terhadap hasil jadi bordir mesin manual di kain duchess. Riset ini memakai sistem eksperimen. Objek yang diteliti ialah hasil bordir kerancang mesin manual pada kain duchess memakai benang sekoci berupa benang jahit, benang obras, dan benang bordir. Penilai pada penelitian ialah 5 orang validator. Instrumen pada riset ini melalui kuesioner. Hasil bordir mesin manual (kerancang) memakai benang sekoci berupa benang jahit adalah “sangat rapi , sangat stabil, dan lembut”. Lalu, hasil jadi bordir mesin manual (kerancang) memakai benang sekoci berupa benang obras adalah “rapi, stabil, dan lembut”. Selanjutnya, hasil bordir mesin manual (kerancang) memakai benang sekoci berupa benang bordir adalah “sangat rapi, sangat stabil, dan sangat lembut”. Hasil bordir kerancang dikain duchess dipengaruhi oleh penggunaan benang sekoci yang berlainan. serta, jika ingin menghasilkan bordiran yang hasilnya sangat lembut, sangat rapi, dan sangat stabil di bahan bridal disarankan menggunakan benang sekoci berupa benang border.

Kata Kunci: benang, bordir kerancang, duchess , sekoci.



Zafirah Afaf : Universitas Negeri Padang

Weni Nelmira : Universitas Negeri Padang



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thread; sassy embroidery; duchess; lifeboat

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