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Niken Larasati Ayuningtyas, Nedina Sari


Basic Two-Dimensional Art and Design is one of the mandatory courses taught at fine arts and design colleges, including at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). This course aims to train student’ sensitivity to processing basic shapes or forms and technical skills in using traditional tools such as colored pencils and poster paints. However, with the developmnet of digital technology and since the Covid-19 pandemic, which required students at that time to carry out the learning process online, the majority of students switched to using graphic software in making assignments, especially in field composition tasks. Therefore, this study aims to explore the stages of students in making field composition assignments in a digital way and analyze the suitability of the results of the assignment with the achievements of this course. The research method used is participatory observation, where the author acts as a student assistant in the course, as well as conducting interviews with lecturers and three students who re-practice how to make field composition assignments. The results of the analysis revealed variations in visual complexity and design approaches between students who used conventional and digital methods. Students create field composition assignments using laptops and tablets whose creation process is carried out at their respective homes, not in the classroom. These findings provide insight into the adaptation of the fine arts education curriculum to digital technology, as well as highlight the importance of technology integration in art learning in response to the development of the times and the changing preferences of students towards creative tools and media.


Creation, Basic Form, Two-Dimensional



Niken Larasati Ayuningtyas

Nedina Sari



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Creation; Basic Form; Two-Dimensional

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