JGK (Jurnal Guru Kita) is managed by the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, State University of Medan and was published for the first time in 2016. JGK (Guru Kita Journal) has officially had a Print ISSN: 2548-883X since 28 September 2016 and an Electronic ISSN: 2549-1288 in next. JGK (Jurnal Guru Kita) contains writings from lecturers, educational practitioners and students. JGK is published four times a year, namely in March, June, September and December in print and electronic form by the Elementary School Teacher Education Program Study, Faculty of Education, State University of Medan. On the cover information is printed ISSN number and electronic ISSN, volume, number, time, editorial address, electronic mail and journal page. Sequential page numbering in one volume. The journal management team helps screen manuscripts, provides notes and corrects data as necessary. The qualifications of the editorial board, reviewers and editors are Professor and Doctoral degrees. JGK publication management uses a combination of online and electronic mail editing management. The substance of the article is disciplinary in nature. This illustrates that the publication of the Our Teacher Journal is currently improving and revitalizing journal governance as a forum for lecturers, educational practitioners and students to publish their scientific work. The e-mail address is: jurnalgurukita@unimed.ac.id. The website address is: Jurnal.unimed.ac.id. Have a permanent page address for each article on the DOI (Digital Object Identifier). JGK publishes articles electronically and in print based on OJS (Open Journal System) on the page: http://jurnal.unimed.ac.id. Our Teacher Journal is indexed by indexing institutions, namely Google Scholar, Digital Reference Guard (Garuda), and Garuda Portal. In fact, currently JGK (Jurnal Guru Kita) has been nationally accredited since October 2018.