Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
Guidelines for Writing Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Kimia (Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education) Manuscripts
Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Kimia (Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education) is a journal that publishes research progress articles in the field of chemistry and related sciences. Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Kimia
(Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education) contains original scientific writings in the form of research papers, short communications and reviews that have never been published or are not currently being sent to other media. Issues covered, are required to attach new aspects or information.
Script type
1. Original paper
The manuscript is the result of self-editing which raises up-to-date topics. Minimum 10 pages including tables and figures. Inclusion of attachments as necessary, but the editor has the right to reduce or eliminate attachments.
2. Short communication
Short communications are research papers that want to be published quickly because the results are interesting, specific, and new, so they can be immediately known by the public. Articles written no more than 15 pages. Results and discussion may be combined.
3. Review
Review is a brief but in-depth summary of systematic-critical scientific reviews on a particular research topic. The things reviewed include everything that is relevant to the review topic which provides a 'state of the art' description, including initial findings, progress to current issues, including debates and gaps that exist in the topics discussed. This review must include a minimum of 30 articles.
Manuscript Structure
1. Language
The language used is good and correct English
2. Title
The title must be short, clear, and reflect the contents of the manuscript followed by the author's name and mailing address. However, the author or correspondence purchased the top print envelope sign (superscript).
3. Abstracts
Abstracts are made in English. The abstract briefly contains the background, objectives, methods, significant results, conclusions, and implications of the research results. Abstract contains a maximum of 200 words, single spaced. Below the abstract are listed keywords consisting of 3-5 words, where the first word is the most important. The editor reserves the right to edit the abstract for reasons of clarity in the contents of the abstract.
4. Introduction
The introduction contains the background, problems, and research objectives. Also mention the previous studies that have been done.
5. Materials and Methods
In this section sub-headings may be made according to the stages of the research. Methods must be clearly explained in accordance with research topic standards and can be repeated by other researchers. If the method used is a standard method, it is enough to write down the situation and if there is a modification, it must be written clearly which part and what is being modified.
6. Results and Discussion
State the main results obtained based on the method used if you want to refer to tables/graphs/diagrams or pictures, describe the most important results and do not use the phrase 'see table 1'. When using the average value, the standard deviation must be stated.
In the discussion it is not permitted to repeat the results of the discussion to reveal the reasons for obtaining the results and what the meaning or meaning of the results obtained is. If possible, compare the results of this study by making comparisons with previous studies.
7. Conclusion
Summarizing the results of the research, in accordance with the research objectives, and the following research that can be done.
8. Acknowledge
Author can acknowledge all participating parties as well as institution which provide funding. More detailed funding information can be added when necessary.
9. Bibliography
It is not permissible to cite articles and not go through a peer review process if you must cite "Reports" or "Personal communications" which are written as '
unpublished' and do not need to be displayed in the bibliography. The bibliography must contain up-to-date information, mostly from original papers. Writing scientific periodicals (name of the journal) is not abbreviated.
Manuscript Format
- The manuscript is typed using a word processor program, the font is Times new Roman, size 12 except for the abstract, size 10, single spaced. The top-down left-right limit is 2.5 cm each. The maximum content of the manuscript is 15 pages including illustrations and tables.
- Writing fractional numbers with commas follows the language written using two decimal places after the comma. When using English, decimal numbers use commas dots (.). Example: the length of the book is 2.5 cm. The writing of numbers 1-9 is written in words except when the number is a unit of measure, while the numbers 10 and so on are written in numbers. Example: five students, the length of the book is 5 cm.
- Writing units follows the rules of the international system of units.
- Illustrations can be in the form of photographs (black and white or colour) or hand drawings (line drawings).
- Table.
Tables are given short and clear titles in English, so they can stand alone. Tables are numbered sequentially according to the information in the text. Table captions are placed below the table. The table is not closed with a vertical line, instead it only uses a horizontal line that separates the title and bottom border.
1. Figure
Figure can be photos, graphs, diagrams, and maps. The title is written briefly and clearly. Information that accompanies the drawing must be able to stand alone, written in English. Figure are sent in jpeg format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and separated from the body of the text or in a separate file.
2. Bibliography
The situation in the manuscript is the author's name and year. If more than one author uses the word 'and' or et al. Example: (Karimi, 2011), (Wang dan Voss, 2014), (Protsiv et al., 2016). If the manuscript is written in English using the situation of 2 writers, the word 'and' is used. Example: (Situmorang and Sitorus, 2012).
3. Journal
Journal name written in full.
Situmorang, M., Sinaga, M., Purba, J., Daulay, S.I., Simorangkir, M., Sitorus, M., & Sudrajat, A., (2018), Implementation of Innovative Chemistry Learning Material with Guided Tasks to Improve Students’ Competence, Journal of Baltic Science Education. 17(4): 535-550.
4. Book
Situmorang, M., (2017), Kimia Lingkungan, Rajawali Press. Depok
5. Proceedings or results of a symposium/seminate/workshop.
Sinaga, M., Sihombing, K., & Situmorang, M., (2017), Inovasi Pembelajaran Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa Pada Pengajaran Kimia Umum, Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Rapat Tahunan BKS PTN-B Bidang MIPA, di Ratu Convention Center (RCC) Kota Jambi, Jambi, Tgl 12 - 14 Mei 2017.
6. Papers as part of a book
Leegood RC and DA Walker. 1993. Chloroplast and Protoplast. In: photosynthesis and Production in a Changing Environment. DO Hall, JMO Scurlock, HR Bohlar Nordenkampf, RC leegood and SP Long (Eds), 268-282. Champman and Hall. London
7. Thesis
Keim AP. 2011. Monograph of the genus Orania Zipp. (Aracaceae; Oraniinae). University of Reading, Reading. [PhD. Thesis].
8. Online articles
Articles downloaded online follow the format that applies, for example for journals, books, or theses, and write down the address of the source site and the time of download. It is not permitted to cite articles that have not gone through
a peer reviewprocess or articles from web pages that cannot be justified for their veracity, such as Wikipedia.
Approval form for transfer rights and manuscript authenticity
Each author who submits his manuscript to the editorship of the Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Kimia (JIPK)/Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education will be asked to sign an approval sheet containing the right to transfer the manuscript including the right to reproduce the article in various forms to the publisher of the Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Kimia (JIPK)/Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education. While the author has the right to distribute print and electronic editions for research and education purposes. The form also contains a statement of authenticity of the manuscript, which states that the manuscript is the result of original research, has not been published and is being published elsewhere.
Cover illustration sheet
The illustration on the cover of the journal "Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Kimia (Journal of Innovation in Chemistry Education)" comes from one of the manuscripts. Therefore, for each illustrated manuscript, please send an illustration with good image quality accompanied by a brief description of the illustration and the name of the illustrator.
Manuscript proofs will be sent to the author and are required to read and re-examine the contents of the manuscript carefully. Proofs must be sent back to the editor within three working days.
Print manuscript
Each author whose manuscript is published will be given 1 copy of the Journal of Chemistry Learning Innovation magazine and a reprint. The magazine will be sent to the corresponding author.
Manuscript submission
Manuscripts are submitted in .doc or .docx format