Jurnal Kewarganegaraan

Jurnal Kewarganegaraan (English: Citizenship Journal) is an academic journal dedicated to promoting and disseminating research on citizenship studies and citizenship education. This Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the publication of scientific research on discourse and the practice of citizenship as an object of critical inquiry. Jurnal Kewarganegaraan was published by the Jurusan Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (English: Departement of Pancasila and Civic Education) Universitas Negeri Medan and is managed in collaboration with Asosiasi Profesi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Indonesia (Indonesia Association Profession of Pancasila and Civic Education/AP3KnI).

Jurnal Kewarganegaraan is very interested in scientific and professional studies in the discourse and practice of citizenship. We seek submissions of articles that cross the lines of scientific disciplines (interdisciplinary perspectives) that aim to develop citizenship studies and citizenship education in the local, national and global scope. Our particular attention is paid to works dealing with historical and contemporary questions of concern regarding other dimensions, meanings, and forms in relation to citizenship and contributing to education for citizenship.

Each article published in Kewarganegaraan has been peer-reviewed by designated experts. These experts have experience in journal management and article publication in prestigious journals. The articles published in Kewarganegaraan have met the requirements set by the journal's Editorial Board. 

Memorandum of Agreement document between Jurnal Kewarganegaraan and AP3KnI

This journal has been ACCREDITED by National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) and Managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia with SINTA 4 since Vol. 17 Issue 1 of 2020 to Vol. 21 Issue 2 of 2024 according to the decree Number 225/E/KPT/2022.

Journal Homepage Image



Call for Papers: Vol 21, No 2 (2024): September 2024


We invites researchers, scholars and authors to submit their original and advanced research for publication in Jurnal Kewarganegaraan

Submission Accepted up to:31th July 2024
Review and Final Submission Accepted:31st Agust 2024
E-Publication:30th September 2024 

For further information, email via kewarganegaraan@unimed.ac.id or click on this contact information (here).

Posted: 2024-06-05 More...



Jurnal Kewarganegaraan has been indexed by:


Posted: 2022-04-28 More...

Plagiarism Checker


Jurnal Kewarganegaraan starts using the Turnitin plagiarism check tool for Vol 18, No 2 (2021): September 2021. Each article must have a maximum article similarity of 20%.


Posted: 2021-07-22 More...
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Vol 21, No 1 (2024): Maret 2024

Full Issue

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Table of Contents


Feriyansyah Feriyansyah, RR Siti Murtiningsih
Titis Fatmasari Kharisma Kasih, Arif Prasetyo Wibowo, Rohmad Widodo
Ryan Aryansyah, Alfiandra Alfiandra
Suriaman Suriaman, Sri Hariati, Iksan Agus Salim, Haris Haris
Wibowo Heru Prasetiyo, Zulfa Rizqiyah
Pieter Lourens Frans, Maslan Abdin, Juvrianto Chrissunday Jakob
Heny Mulyani, Kokom Komalasari, Mitra Permatasari, Maria Lufransiya Bribin, Suriaman Suriaman
Arini Rahmawati, Sutrisna Wibawa
Fazli Rachman, Sri Yunita, Junaidi Junaidi, Taufiq Wijaya Giri, Agung Pratama Ramadhani, Yemima Putri Bona Simarmata, Anjeli Harpina Purba, Icha Amelia
Ilham Septiawan