Feasibility study of concentration of chemical and physical parameters in excavated water coal mining as a cage fishing destination

Saibun Sitorus, A. Khafifah Dwi Rachmat


A research was carried out on the feasibility of chemical and physical concentrations in coal mine excavation water for use in cage fisheries. This research aims to analyze the concentration conditions of chemical parameters (NH3, pH, Cu and Fe) and physical parameters (DO, temperature and turbidity) in water originating from coal excavations which are already in the form of lakes. Samples were prepared before analysis by adding concentrated nitric acid. Analysis of Cu and Fe concentrations was carried out using an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), ammonia using a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, DO concentrations were analyzed using the titration method, turbidity analysis using a nephelometer, temperature using a thermometer and pH using a pH meter. From the research results, it was found that the physical parameters of lake water from former coal mine excavations were pH, temperature, DO, NH3 and turbidity is suitable because it has not yet passed the quality standards for designation as a cage for cultivating freshwater fish. The concentration of the heavy metal Cu in coal excavation water has exceeded the quality standards set for cultivating freshwater fish and the metal concentration Fe has not exceeded the quality standards set. Research analysis of the average concentrations of heavy metals in water samples from former coal mining pools, namely Cu (0.166; 0.278; 0.284 mg/L), and Fe (0.020; 0.029; 0.023 mg/kg).

Keywords: Cages; Chemical; Physical parameters; Pools of former coal mines

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24114/jpkim.v15i3.50939

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