Author Guidelines
Papers submitted for publication must conform to the following guidelines:
- The manuscript submitted to the editor is the result of empirical research in the fields of management and business relevant to the main focus of this Journal
- The manuscript submitted must be original from the work of the author or several authors and can be scientifically accounted for, has never been published or in the process of submitting publications from any institution's scientific journal stated in writing by the speaker
- Manuscripts written in Indonesian and English have been typed with the Microsoft Word program, 1 (one) space, Font 12 size, Times New Roman font. Maximum script length 12
- Manuscripts can be sent in the form of Softcopy through online submission or by email with the name of the author and the Affiliate institution separate from the text for the benefit of the Blind Review process
- Format of writing, preliminary systematic, research methods, results and discussion, quotations, bibliography refers to generally accepted scientific writing procedures
- Posts included abtraksi in English or Indonesian and their keywords (keywords) for the benefit of the journal database index
- Manuscripts received by the editor are fully the editor's right to consider their publication and in the case of the speaker wanting to publish the article to the journal / other institution must confirm to the editor