Teaching Writing Narrative Text by Using Intertextuality Approach For Grade IX at SMP N 8 Medan

Greace Maranatha Sinaga, Anni Holila Pulungan


This research aims to determine the types of intertextuality approaches found in learning when the approach is used, the steps  of teaching writing narrative text using the Intertextuality approach, and the reasons for the Intertextuality approach to be applied in learning narrative text. The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative. Data analysis procedures were formulated based on the theory of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana consisting of data collection, data condensation, data display, and conclusions drawing. The data were the narrative text learning process presented by the teacher in class and interviewing the teacher at SMPN 8 Medan. The study aimed to discover the type, steps, and reasons for using the intertextuality approach in teaching writing narrative text. The data were analyzed based on the teaching-learning process by using the intertextuality approach. The findings showed that 4 out of 7 types of intertextuality approaches were found in the learning process, namely translation 25%, quotation 12.5%, source 37.5%, and genre 25%. In the steps, it was also found that the teacher followed Wallace's (1992) steps of the pre-reading activity, while reading activity, and the post-reading activity. Lastly, it was found that the reason for using the intertextuality approach is because it brings benefits to teachers and students. For example, it makes it easier for students to write narrative texts.


Writing; Skills; Intertextuality; Approach; Narrative

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24114/reg.v13i2.65809

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