A Decade Analysis (2013-2023) of Paddy's Yield Productivity by Using Landsat 8 Imagery in Sukoharjo District, Indonesia

Fitria Nuraini Sekarsih, Guntur Fajar Kusuma


Sukoharjo District has the highest rice productivity in Central Java. Sukoharjo has a strategic location. It makes this area prone to land use changes. It makes a severe impact on Paddy's productivity. This condition needs to be monitored continually. Remote sensing can provide an efficient and accurate method to solve this condition. Using the NDVI from Landsat 8 imagery and ubinan data, the model can be built to calculate and analyze paddy’s productivity. The steps were 1) interpretation of paddy fields area; 2) calculation of NDVI’s mean values a month before harvesting; 3) interpretation accuracy test; 4) correlation value between NDVI and ubinan data in 2022; 5) calculation of paddy productivity; and 6) analysis. Within a decade (2013-2023), there was a reduction in paddy's yield area for 981.90 Ha. During that period, there was an increase in paddy's productivity, around 38.2 x 103 tons. Almost all sub-districts in Sukoharjo’s yield had been reduced except for Tawangsari and Weru. Kartasura and Grogol have experienced an intensive change in paddy yields to non-paddy yields. Intensive land use changes affected paddy’s productivity. Multi-temporal imagery combined with ubinan data can be used to monitor paddy’s productivity. Forty-one points were calculated for the y (productivity) and x (NDVI value) equation. The equation resulting from this method (y=6.2212x+6.7444) can be used as a reference for calculating productivity in Sukoharjo District in different periods. From different calculations, the accuracy obtained from this method was 86%.

Keywords: Landsat 8; NDVI; Paddy’s Productivity; Sukoharjo; Ubinan data


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24114/jg.v16i2.52397

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