Journal History

PLANS Journal: Research in Management and Business Sciences is published by the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Medan State University, 
which is published twice a year at the beginning every March and September. May and November with p-ISSN: 1978-7057 (print) and e-ISSN: 2527-306X (online).
Until 2016 the PLANS Journal: Research in Management and Business Sciences has been published up to Volume 11 No. September 2, 2016 in the printed version
while the online version is not yet. 2017 PLANS Journal: Management and Business Science Research has been published in May and November, namely Volume 12 No. May 1, 2017
and Volume 12 No. 2 November 2017. PLANS Journal: Research in Management and Business Sciences contains the results of research in management and business that are relevant
including management, human resources, finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, business and operations.