Sejarah Jurnal Altruistik

ALTRUISTIK is a discussion forum that focuses on the study of Guidance and Counseling and Educational Psychology. It aims to enhance the critical study of various actual phenomena from different perspectives. The word ALTRUISTIK in the journal name refers to the term "Altruism" which comes from the Spanish "Autrui" coined by Auguste Comte which means "Other People". The name "ALTRUISTIK" adopts its basic meaning with the intention of instilling the spirit of -helping others- wholeheartedly.

First published in 2021 with ISSN-Electronic: 2798-3773 and ISSN-Print: 2798-3765. Several developments have occurred in the management of ALTRUISTIK:

Waktu Pencapaian
June 2021 First publication Volume 1 Number 1 Year 2021
June 2021 Listed on Google Scholar Index
June 2021

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Desember 2021 In Issue Volume 1 Number 2 of 2021 there are improvements to the Altruistic journal template
June 2022 In collaboration with the Indonesian Guidance and Counseling Association (ABKIN)