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Nessya Fitryona, Dwi Mutia Sari, Maltha Kharisma


Zirwen Hazry is a painter who has a realistic style from West Sumatra. There is a dominant object that often appears in each period of his work's journey, including the visualization of the figure of a small child with a symbolic gesture. Art connoisseurs rarely examine the meanings of these paintings in depth because many are still admiring Zirwen's painting skills and tend to read the meaning based on the straightforward visualization of objects. This study aims to find out how to understand the meaning behind the visualization of the child figure in Zirwen Hazry's painting. This is done so that the meaning conveyed by the painter is more easily understood by art connoisseurs. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The sampling technique was carried out through purposive sampling, where data was collected through work documentation. The data analysis technique uses Roland Barthes' semiotic approach, namely by examining the denotative and connotative meanings of the object under study. The results of the study show that the representation of young people's figures does not just tell stories about the problems of the world of young people against the times, but is an analogy of an artist's honesty in conveying social criticism. Child characters with certain gestures as denotative meanings. Criticism of the nature of human morality is caused by the movement and development of the times as a connotative meaning. The study of the representations of the painting objects under study shows that the ideology of painters tends to criticize human values.

Keywords: semiotics, painting, realistic, connotative, denotative.



Zirwen Hazry merupakan pelukis yang memiliki gaya realistik di Sumatera Barat. Terdapat objek-objek dominan yang sering muncul pada setiap periode perjalanan karyanya, di antaranya yaitu visualisasi figur anak kecil dengan gestur yang simbolik. Penikmat seni jarang mengkaji makna lukisan-lukisan tersebut lebih dalam karena masih banyak yang terpaku pada kekaguman keahlian melukis Zirwen secara personal dan cenderung membaca makna berdasarkan visualisasi objek secara lugas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui bagaimana cara memahami makna di balik visualisasi figur anak kecil dalam lukisan Zirwen Hazry. Hal ini dilakukan agar makna yang dihadirkan pelukis lebih mudah dipahami penikmat seni. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan melalui purposive sampling, dimana data dikumpulkan melalui dokumentasi karya. Teknik analisis data menggunakan pendekatan semiotika Roland Barthes, yaitu dengan menelaah makna denotasi dan konotasi pada objek yang dikaji. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa representasi figur anak kecil tidak sekedar bercerita tentang permasalahan dunia anak kecil terhadap perkembangan zaman saja, melainkan sebuah analogi terhadap kejujuran seniman dalam menyampaikan kritik sosial. Figur anak kecil dengan gestur tertentu sebagai makna denotatif. Kritikan terhadap hakikat dari esensi akhlak manusia yang disebabkan terhadap pergerakan dan perkembangan zaman sebagai makna konotatif. Kajian representasi objek lukisan yang diteliti memperlihatkan ideologi pelukis cenderung pada kritik nilai-nilai kemanusiaan.

Kata Kunci: semiotika, lukisan, realistik, konotatif, denotatif.



Nessya Fitryona : Universitas Negeri Padang

Dwi Mutia Sari : Universitas Negeri Padang

Maltha Kharisma : Universitas Negeri Padang



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semiotics; painting; realistic; connotative; denotative

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