Batik Motif Perahu Baganduang is adopted from the cultural tradition that originates from Kuantan Mudik, one of the villages in Kuantan Singingi district is the Perahu Baganduand Tradition. However, the people have not known where Perahu Baganduan Batik Motif comes from because of the increasing popularity of batik in the community of Kuantan singingi districts that is fast and not accompanied by an adequate level of understanding. Therefore, this investigation aims to be one of the contributions of knowledge and insight on how the motives, sources of ideas as well as symbols and meanings contained in the motive Batik Perahu Baganduang in the Batik Kuansing Batik Nagori business. This research uses qualitative methods. Data sources include primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques are observations, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are used according to Miles and Huberman: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research found are: 1) Batik Motif Perahu Baganduang is designed similar to the shape of the Perahu Baguduang that is praised by the community of Lubuk Jambi, which is a combination of two or three boats that are sculpted or arranged (diganduang) into one using bamboo and decorated by various customary colorful symbols, 2) Transformation done taken purely from the Tradition of Perahu Baganduand itself by mixing or combining it with the motifs of Batik Kuansing Batik Nagori or the existing Malay Riau Motif, 3) Symbols and meanings that are found on the Batik motif Perahu baganduang are described as follows: Boat symbol means unity, Kubah means Divinity, Tanduk Kerbau symbol means justice and empathy, Ani-mani symbols mean beauty, Labu-bolna meaning union, Cerbano symbols signify identity, and Marna-bolana symbols symbolize protection of society.
Keywords: motive, source of idea, symbol, meaning.
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Abstract view : 57 timesCopyright (c) 2024 Ridawati Azzahra, Agusti Efi
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