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Aufa Umaroh, Agusti Efi


Songket Halaban is one of the songket weavings in West Sumatra that has its own motifs and techniques. This research aims to look at the motifs and techniques of Halaban songket weaving precisely at Evi Songket Gallery. This research uses qualitative methods by collecting data through observation, interviews, documentation and data analysis techniques. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research are: 1). The motifs found in the Evi Halaban songket weaving are pucuak robuang motif, balah kacang motif, pucuak robuang bajari motif, kaluak paku motif, itiak pulang patang motif, bugi saik kue talam motif, pucuak mahkota motif, bungo saga motif, bungo pacik motif, lupi-lupi flower motif, bungo piala motif, bugi lipe aia motif, bugi mato panciang motif, bugi empek-empek motif. 2). 2). The technique of weaving songket in Evi Halaban Gallery is: starting with stretching the warp yarn, the yarn is stretched through the karok and suri, moving the weft yarn to the turak, after the warp yarn is stretched starting to enter the process of menyungkit (making motifs with the mancukie technique), after all the motifs are made, they are moved to the sungkitan sticks, After all the motifs are transferred to the sticks, then the warp threads that have been limited by the sticks are tied using ordinary sewing threads and the sticks are removed from the warp threads, this technique makes it easier for weavers not to always pry the motifs, after all the motifs are pryed, then enter the weaving process. The weaving process begins by inserting the weft thread from left to right and from right to left weaving the lungsi thread, then continuing back and forth continuously in line with the motif.


Songket Motifs; Weaving Techniques


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Copyright (c) 2024 Aufa Umaroh, Agusti Efi

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