Table of Contents
Analysis of Factors Influencing the Career Development of Village Officials: A Case Study of Organizational Commitment and Culture in Kota Pari Village
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.46001
| Abstract views : 58 times
Eli Delvi Yanti, Teguh Wahyono, Wahyu Indah Sari, Muhamad Rajali
Contribution to the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Kota Pari Village Communities in Increasing Sustainable Economic Growth and Creative Industry
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.47216
| Abstract views : 49 times
Suwarno Suwarno, Darmilisani Darmilisani, Mira Yosefa Siregar, Putri Selviani
Digital Marketing Strategy and Sales of Household Products in Pari Urban Village: A Case Study
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.45915
| Abstract views : 151 times
Annisa Sanny, Husni Muharram Ritonga, Suwarno Suwarno, Indah Febriani Putri
The Role of Financial Literacy And Financial Inclusion In Improving Msme Performance: A Case Study In Kota Pari Village
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.47381
| Abstract views : 215 times
Maya Macia Sari, Pipit Buana Sari, Syahrial Hasanuddin Pohan, Rindi Syahputri
Lanscape Architecture of Culinary Tourism Objects In Paddy Field Areas
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.45744
| Abstract views : 168 times
Fariz Harindra Syam, Melly Andriana, Syahna Dwi Ardianti
Investment Interest in Kota Pari Village Communities: A Study of the Influence of Investment Motivation and Knowledge
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.46145
| Abstract views : 68 times
Noni Ardian, Handriyani Dwilitia, Darmilisani Darmilisani, Putri Selviani
Optimization of Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Revenue from The Tourism Sector in Kota Pari Village
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.46006
| Abstract views : 62 times
Husni Muharram Ritonga, Muhammad Toyib Daulay, Erwansyah Erwansyah, Jihan Tri Mukti
Reducing Waste Collection Through Ecobrick Become A Wise Solution In Heroes Village
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.47221
| Abstract views : 106 times
Annisa Ilmi Faried, Rahmad Sembiring, Neng Sri Wahyuni
Study Of Sustainable Economic Growth Through Strengthening Digitalpreneur and Creativepreneur in Msme Actors in Kota Pari Village
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.46091
| Abstract views : 59 times
M Chaerul Rizky, Noni Ardian, Nusa Ekasyah Putra, Eva Santika
The Role of Community Behavior in Mangrove Natural Resource Management: A Case Study in Kota Pari Village
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.45916
| Abstract views : 67 times
Muhammad Toyib Daulay, Annisa Ilmi Faried, Edi Saputra Matondang, Febby Riwanda
The Role of Quality Human Resources in the Development of Creative Industry to Improve Sustainable Economic Growth in Pematang Sera Village
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.46002
| Abstract views : 84 times
Erwansyah Erwansyah, Wilchan Robain, Mira Yosefa Siregar
Introduction to English Vocabulary and Number Notation for Youth and Sunday School Children at HKBP Parmonangan
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.43777
| Abstract views : 52 times
Nelly Elisabeth Samosir, Elysta Banjarnahor, Ance Juliet Panggabean
Analysis Of Financial Performance on The Dividend Policy of Mining Companies Listed On The IDX in 2017-2021
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.47526
| Abstract views : 103 times
Anggi Mulianur Nasution, Cahyo Pramono
The Relationship of Learning Interest and Engineering Images Learning Outcomes with Forming and Assembly Learning Results in Class XI Metal Fabrication Engineering Expertise Program SMKN 1 Lubuk Pakam
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.48113
| Abstract views : 44 times
Hidir Efendi, Dedi Syahputra
Efforts to Increase Youth Awareness of Environmental Cleanliness and Creativity in Tebing Tanjung Selamat Village, Padang Tualang District, Langkat Regency
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.42917
| Abstract views : 71 times
Lita Nasution, Isthifa Kemal, Muhammad Andi Prayogi, Roni Alfarizi
Workshop on Making Edpuzzle-Based Teaching Material Videos
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.44439
| Abstract views : 115 times
In In Supianti, Poppy Yaniawati, Eka Firmansyah, Chandra Siti suminar, Sulastri Pujiastuti
Anti-Racism Representation in Song on Ecrit Les Murs (Van Dijk Frame)
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.46515
| Abstract views : 70 times
Imelda Malawaty Simorangkir, Yulia Sofiani
Introduce and Increase Sunday School Children's Interest In Learning Basic English And Training In Guitar and Piano Instruments at HKBP GKJ Sehati Kampung Kolam
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.43776
| Abstract views : 70 times
Restu Berka Siahaan, Yehezkiel Marbun, Ance Juliet Panggabean
The Effect of Soft Skills and Hard Skills on Student Work Readiness Bisnis Digital STMIK Pelita Nusantara Medan
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.48959
| Abstract views : 120 times
Nora Sinulingga, Hendy Irwanda, Bella Monika
Improving Speaking Ability Using Comic Strips Media for Class Xi Students MAN 3 Langkat Plus Keterampilan
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.48815
| Abstract views : 66 times
Nazly Yusuf, Puan Suri Mira Annisa Sembiring
Chatbot Prototype Training Using Deep Learning Methods For Tourism in North Sumatra
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.49506
| Abstract views : 72 times
Hesti Fibriasari, Tansa Trisna Astono Putri, Uyuni Widiastuti
Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Video terhadap Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa Pada Mata Kuliah Kerajinan Unimed
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.47068
| Abstract views : 106 times
Siti Sutanti, Yuzia Eka Putri, Ajeng Inggit Anugerah
Production of Instagramable Content to Create a Tourist Market at the Toba Caldera Pilot Tourism Site: Parsingguran II Village, Pollung District, Humbang Hasundutan Regency National Tourism Strategic Area
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.48322
| Abstract views : 63 times
Samerdanta Sinulingga, Suwardi Lubis, Riko Andika Rahmat Pohan
Socialization of Integrative Thematic Model: Sports Education in Learning English Vocabulary
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.47461
| Abstract views : 82 times
Alwi Fahruzy Nasution, Ramadha Yanti Parinduri, Siti Aminah Hasibuan, Fatin Nadifa Tarigan, Ismayani Ismayani
Pendampingan Literasi Akad dan Produk Pembiayaan Financial Teknologi Berbasis Syariah Bagi Ibu PKK Kelurahan Kadungora
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.49926
| Abstract views : 125 times
Nanik Eprianti, Popon Srisusilawati, Mohamad Andri Ibrahim, Intan Manggala Wijayanti, Luni Nur Rahmah, Yunifa Rahmadani
Effectiveness of Using E-Court In Religious Court Proceedings in South Jakarta
DOI : 10.24114/jcrs.v7i2.50223
| Abstract views : 73 times
Hamdan Arief Hanif, Nike Puspita Wanodyatma, Faris Makarim