Table of Contents
Molecular docking of sterol derivatives in Tagetes erecta Linn. as an antiatherosclerotic agents through activation of PPARγ and LXRα receptors
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.57455
| Abstract views : 198 times
I Wayan Surya Rahadi, Ni Kadek Ayu Mas Ratnadewi, Ketut Agus Adrianta
84 - 91
The effect of comonomer styrene on the grafting of maleic anhydride onto cyclized natural rubber
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.56906
| Abstract views : 116 times
Muhammad Said Siregar, Desi Ardilla, Eddiyanto Eddiyanto, Asmarasari Nasution
92 - 97
The quality of indonesian brands of consumable cooking oils is reviewed by peroxide numbers and free fatty acid value
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.59012
| Abstract views : 82 times
Mirwa Adiprahara Anggarani, Prima Retno Wikandari, Rudiana Agustini, Rusyariyanto Waskito, Yuni Fransiska
98 - 102
Detecting the interest of undergraduate students : A new way of chemistry education as a basis for instructional development
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.61402
| Abstract views : 124 times
Parham Saadi, Almubarak Almubarak, Restu Prayogi, Fadhlan Muchlas Abrori
103 - 110
Enhancing creativity skills and student learning outcomes through the implementation of creative problem solving model with mind mapping on salt hydrolysis topic
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.58765
| Abstract views : 111 times
Bella Windira Sari, Sri Retno Dwi Ariani, Ari Syahidul Shidiq, Bakti Mulyani, Sri Yamtinah, Mohammad Masykuri, Maria Ulfa, Agung Nugroho Catur Saputro
111 - 118
Development of e-module based on Premna serratifolia research to identify functional group of secondary metabolites
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.59061
| Abstract views : 157 times
Arni Arni, Dini Hadiarti, Tuti Kurniati
119 - 126
Development of chemino card learning media (chemical domino cards) on elemental stability material
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.56574
| Abstract views : 97 times
Suhardi Suhardi, Sumiati Side, Eda Lolo Allo
127 - 135
The effect of pH and type of silicone on cotton and polyester finished fabrics
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.57150
| Abstract views : 58 times
Wulan Safrihatini Atikah, Witri Aini Salis, Lingga Permana, Brilyan Muhammad Redya
136 - 144
Development of an augmented reality-based chemical bonding module assisted by the assemblr EDU
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.57375
| Abstract views : 85 times
Fransisca Ditawati Nur Pamenang, Agnesia Nina Utami
145 - 151
Improving students' scientific literacy : Development of guided inquiry-based student worksheets on buffer solution material
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.56718
| Abstract views : 94 times
Arif Sholahuddin, Normina Normina, Rilia Iriani
152 - 158
Bibliometric analysis : Green chemistry trends and issues in chemistry education from 2019 to 2024
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.58875
| Abstract views : 87 times
Wanda Setya Hanifa, Sri Handayani, Suyanta Suyanta
159 - 167
Measuring meaningful learning through the experience of chemistry education students' in the basics of analytical chemistry practicum
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.57849
| Abstract views : 111 times
Melur Regista Cahyani, Erlina Erlina, Ira Lestari, Masriani Masriani, Maria Ulfah
168 - 175
Synthesis and characteristics rubber seed oil bioadditive from Sumatera Utara as low pour point of CPO biodiesel
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.62374
| Abstract views : 86 times
Misdawati Misdawati, Siswadi Siswadi, Muhammad Said Siregar
176 -184
Mechanical properties of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and sansevieria (Sansevieria trifasciata) fiber reinforced composite with polyester matric
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.56532
| Abstract views : 53 times
Nurfajriani Nurfajriani, Ahmad Nasir Pulungan, Ajat Sudrajat, MS Manurung, Rahayu Rahayu
185 - 190
Developing a weblog-based additive and addictive substance teaching module to improve critical thinking skills
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i2.58490
| Abstract views : 50 times
Ade Nur Anugrah, Muzzazinah Muzzazinah, Mohammad Masykuri
191 - 199