Development of electronic portfolios to assess concept mastery and creative thinking on project-based acid-based concepts

Nisa Qurrata Aini, Nahadi Nahadi, Soja Siti Fatimah


he purpose of the study was to develop an electronic portfolio instrument to assess concept mastery and creative thinking on project-based acid-base materials. The research participants are class XI, who will study acid-base materials. This research uses the 4D Research and Development model which are carried out up to stage 3 (Define, Design, and Development). On the define stage, a literature study, a field survey, material analysis, indicator analysis, and task analysis were conducted. The design stage designed grids and assessment rubrics, the preparation tasks consisting of four: making papers, practicum reports, posters, and concept maps. The design stage compiled an electronic portfolio instrument. The developmental stage conducts quality tests: initial development test, expert validity test obtained a CVR value of 1.00, reliability test with inter-rater obtained a Cronbach Alpha value between 0.652 and 1.000. After the electronic portfolio instrument was valid and reliable, a limited trial was conducted with N-Gain scores of task 1, task 2, task 3, and task 4, respectively: 0.17 (low), 0.13 (low), 0.46 (medium), and 0.32 (medium). The overall average of the pretest and posttest N-Gain scores is 0.90, with a higher category. This electronic portfolio instrument based on Project-Based Learning (PjBL) is expected to help teachers assess tasks on concept mastery and students' creative thinking on acid-based materials.


Creative thinking; Electronics; Portfolio; Project based learning

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