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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia is Periodicals published the results of research related to the development of science and technology in the field of Chemistry and Chemistry education as a form of intellectual property.

Chemistry Education: chemistry learning design and model, chemical education curricula, Technology innovation and media/multimedia in chemistry learning, development of evaluation tools, lesson study and classroom action research.

Chemistry: Organic chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, and Material chemistry.

Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscripts to be published in Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia include research papers and reviews. The authors guarantee that the articles have not been published elsewhere. The papers should be written in English using appropriate format and corrected by an English language expert. The editor will not accept manuscripts that are deficient in these respects. The editor is not obligated to return the rejected articles.

On Line Submission

Authors are encouraged to submit on line by accessing the following website: and simply click the GUIDELINE button and then follow the instruction to submit on line. On line submission will reduce the overall editorial and reviewing process, and finally accelerate the publication.

Email Submission. The soft copy of manuscript also can be sent directly to

Hard Copies Submission. In the case that authors cannot do manuscript submission on line, the conventional submission can be chosen. Three hard copies of original articles and one soft copy of the file should be submitted. The file is prepared in Microsoft Word 2007. Please indicate the author's name and file name. It is the author's responsibility to check the readability of the soft copy. Manuscripts will not be accepted if these requirements are not fulfilled. Please send the manuscript or its soft copy to:

Editors of Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia

Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan
Jl. William Iskandar Psr. V Medan Estate, Medan-Indonesia, Phone. 085317692813 E-Mail:

Manuscript submission must be accompanied by a covering letter from the corresponding author. The letter should clearly state the name of corresponding author, complete mailing address, phone and fax number, and e-mail address. Corres-ponding author is responsible for the originality of the research and the content of the manuscript. Other authors (if any) must approve of the subttmedi manuscript. To expedite the review process, authors must recommend at least two reviewers who are not members of their institution(s) and have never been associated with them or their laboratory (ies); please provide their contact information where indicated on the submission form.


General. All parts of the papers, including abstract, titles of the tables and figures, table's footnotes, figure legends, and references should be double-spaced on A4-size (letter) paper with 2 cm margin, using Univers Condensed font with 12 font size. Figures and tables must be placed at the end of the manuscript, each of them on separate sheets. Figures and papers from previous publications can be used as long as there is consent from its authors. All pages, including the pages with figures and tables at the end of the paper, must be numbered consecutively. Research paper may occupy up to 4500 words, some figures and tables; or 15 pages maximum.

Reviews, written as continuous articles without the subheadings such as Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion should not exceed 3500 words or 12 pages maximum including figures and tables.


The title page should include the title, the author's name(s), each author's institution and address, and a footnote containing the address to which all correspondence should be sent, complete with telephone and fax numbers as well as e-mail address.


It must not exceed 250 words. Abstract contains a brief summary of the text, covering the whole manuscript without being too elaborate on every section. The abstract contains problem and/or research objectives, research procedure, results, and conclusion. Avoid any abbreviation, unless it is a common knowledge or has been previously stated. Key words consisting of three to five words are listed in order of importance and placed below the abstract.


Key words consisting of three to five words are listed in order of importance and placed below the abstract. Keywords  separated by a commas (,). Keywords are sorted alphabetically.


This section must give sufficient background in order that readers can understand and evaluate the results without having to read previous publications related to the topic. Use only references that really support the discussion. Introduction includes the background and the objective of the research. Uncommon name of organism (local name) must be followed by its scientific name at the first use.


Write the research method Detail / Complete, make sure if repeated research by others the results are similar (reproducible). If using chemicals, write precursor chemicals only (not in solution form), only in the procedure are written in solution form (Example: Ca (NO3) 2.xHO (99%, Merck)). The usual and common methods, need not be written in detail, simply refer to the book. The equipment be included is the main equipment only. Write equations for performance calculations. Things that need to be written in the research method are: (1) Participants: covers includes demographic location information (percentage, average, standard deviation, etc.), number of respondents, reason of respondent selection, and others; (2) Design: write this experimental design (experimental procedures, surveys, interviews, observation characteristics, and so on; (3) Measures: information on how to measure data and measure performance success; and (4) Procedures: Write down the complete research procedure.

Results and Discussion

Results should summarize the findings rather than simply presenting detailed research data. Do not describe the numbers (tables / graphs) in detail, but rather to presents findings or trends. Write the data that has been processed only in the article (in the form of Table or Graph / Picture but not both for the same data). May be presented statistical data and the difference.

Present data that support the discussion only. Do not hide the data, it could be novelty it comes from the data omitted. Do not use a location when referring to Images or Tables, for example: "... .. is presented in Figure 1 below." But enough "... is presented in Figure 1." or "...... (Figure 1)." Consistency: All images / tables presented should be referenced in the body of the text, or otherwise referenced in the body of the text must have an image / table. Table Caption is above the table, and Caption Figure is below the image.

Every result obtained must be discussed. This section contains the interpretation of the results and discussion that is related to previously reported results. Restating the methods, results, and other information presented in the introduction must be avoided.


The conclusion must answer the purpose of the study or hypothesis. The conclusions should reflect the innovation or repair of the existing science today. Write the conclusion briefly and clearly. Do not discuss again at the conclusion. Use one paragraph of conclusion. Do not repeat the abstract. Do not use Bullet / Numbering, if forced to exist in paragraph form.


This section can be used to acknowledge financial support received in funding the research and to appreciate the institutions or persons for their assistance in the research or in the writing process of the manuscript. 


Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia strongly recommends to use primary references only. References are arranged in alphabetical order using Harvard referencing style. Include the DOI number at the end of the reference.

Journal Reference

Silaban, S., Maksum, I.P., Ghaffar, S., Hasan, K., Enus, S., Subroto, T., & Soemitro, S. (2015). Codon optimization and chaperone assisted solubilization of recombinant human prethrombin-2 expressed in Escherichia coliMicrobiology Indonesia8(4), 177-182.

Proceedings Reference:

Silaban, S., Marika, D.B., & Simorangkir, M. (2020). Isolation and characterization of amylase-producing amylolytic bacteria from rice soil samples. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series1485 012006, doi:

Book Reference

Silaban, S. (2017). Dasar-dasar Pendidikan matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan alam. Medan: Harapan Cerdas Publisher.

Thesis and Dissertation References

Silaban, S. (2016). Pengembangan produksi pretrombin-2 manusia di Escherichia coli untuk trombin aktif sebagai komponen lem fibrin. Dissertation. Pascasarjana, Universitas Padjadjaran: Bandung.

All references must be referred to in the text