Table of Contents
Students’ creativity dimension in chemistry e-module based on augmented reality with project based learning approach
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i1.49649
| Abstract views : 401 times
Nelius Harefa, Sumiyati Sumiyati, Riris Marito Tamba
1 - 6
Physicochemical and antibacterial pathogenic characterization of papaya leaf extract liquid soap (Carica papaya L.)
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i1.55515
| Abstract views : 158 times
Dewi Handayani, Yesi Hepriyeni, Hermansyah Amir, Sura Menda Ginting, Nurhamidah Nurhamidah
7 - 14
Synthesis and characterization nitrogen-doped carbon dots from candlenut shells using hydrothermal and solvothermal methods
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i1.56957
| Abstract views : 292 times
Riska Riska, Marpongahtun Marpongahtun, Saharman Gea
15 - 22
Optimization of the upgrading process of bio-oil from palm fronds: The effect of temperature, catalyst mass ratio, and reaction time
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i1.52556
| Abstract views : 174 times
Junifa Layla Sihombing, Ahmad Nasir Pulungan, Janter Pangaduan Simanjuntak, Muhammad Irvan Hasibuan, Lisna Efiyanti, Rahayu Rahayu, Ajeng Asri Audi, Muhammad Hadi
23 - 29
The need analysis for computational chemistry based learning media atomic structure and chemical bonding basic chemistry courses
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i1.56258
| Abstract views : 104 times
Asep Wahyu Nugraha, Marudut Sinaga, Ayi Darmana, Ani Sutiani, Nisa Qurrata Aini
30 - 35
Tapping into collaborative skills and learning achievement: The effect of implementing the common knowledge construction model equipped with podcasts on chemical bonds topic
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i1.54132
| Abstract views : 256 times
Fa'ari Salsabila, Sri Yamtinah, Nanik Dwi Nurhayati, Antuni Wiyarsi, Hayuni Retno Widarti, Ari Syahidul Shidiq
36 - 43
A systematic review: How to implementation of problem solving model in chemistry learning?
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i1.54996
| Abstract views : 166 times
Ayar Sakinah, Sri Handayani
44 - 49
Effectiveness of sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid catalysts in the esterification of frankincense cinnamic acid with ethanol and methanol
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i1.53231
| Abstract views : 186 times
Marham Sitorus, Retno Dwi Suyanti, Iis Siti Jahro, Suria Bersinar Siahaan, Innovayani Saragih, Francisca T. A Sitorus
50 - 56
The quality of tinuktuk in the frozen temperature storage
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i1.55861
| Abstract views : 117 times
Marini Damanik, Ida Duma Riris, Nora Susanti, Nurul Ramadhaniyah, Jihan Afstria Rinanda
57 - 63
Development of test instruments to measure problem-solving and science literacy of grade XI students on ion equilibrium material in salt hydrolysis
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i1.55568
| Abstract views : 121 times
Santi Novita, Susilawati Susilawati, Radjawaly Usman Rery
64 - 69
Development of web-based media in instrument analysis college to improve student competence
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i1.50775
| Abstract views : 168 times
Gulmah Sugiharti, Haqqi Annazili Nasution, Mutiara Agustina Nasution, Muhammad Isa Siregar
70 - 75
Synthesis of silver nanoparticles from coffee parasite leaf extract (Scurrulla ferruginea (Roxb. ex Jack) Danser) and potential activity as an antioxidant and anticancer
DOI : 10.24114/jpkim.v16i1.54145
| Abstract views : 135 times
Destria Roza, Tico Guinessha Samosir, Sri Adelila Sari, Rini Selly
76 - 83